Ethiopian Guest House a great place to stayand put your dollars

Thursday, June 4, 2009

hopeful news in the air

Well there is some hopeful buzz going around referrals from our agency are starting to happen again.  Maybe just maybe mine will come soon. 

I actually bought something today for his room.   It is a really nice thick rug and I found it at a thrift shop for $20.  I swore to myself I wouldn't buy anything until I had a referral, but I just couldn't resist.  I loved it!!!

 I was reading an article  one of my Wacap buddies wrote and look at the great things this company has come up with  It would be great if we could figure out how to get some of this stuff to Ethiopia.


Jennifer said...

Love the rug; great deal!
Those Life Straws are amazing, life saving tools. I kept looking for the cost and then saw that they are not yet available for sale.

veggiemom said...

I love the rug! There's no way you could pass that up!
Those life straws are super cool. I hope they can be made available to people in Ethiopia. What a world of difference to have clean water where ever you are.